80m; Ireland
Director: Seán Ó Cualáin
Synopsis: New York City, 1932. The country is in the throes of the Great Depression, the previous decade’s boom of Italian, Irish, and Jewish immigrants has led to unprecedented urban expansion, and in the midst of an unseasonably warm autumn, steelworkers risk life and limb building skyscrapers high above the streets of Manhattan. In Men at Lunch, director Seán Ó Cualáin tells the story of Lunch atop a Skyscraper, the iconic photograph taken during the construction of the GE Building that depicts eleven workmen taking their lunch break while casually perched along a steel girder, 850 feet above the ground. For decades, this image has captivated imaginations the world over. But who are these men? And where did they come from?
Contact: http://tiff.net/filmsandschedules/tiff/2012/menatlunch
Distributor contact: John Bione JBione@firstrunfeatures.com
“Men on a Skyscraper” portable sculpture: Sergio Furnari: info@sergiofurnari.com or call 917-687-5593; http://www.sergiofurnari.com/store.htm